Sand Filter Change

Allow us to help you easily and effectively replace your pool's sand filters. This allows for the removal of nitrates, ammonia and other harmful bacteria. The end result is a better filtering experience, leading to better water quality, and ultimately a cleaner, healthier pool. The sand in your pool filter needs replacing every three to five years, sometimes even longer if your pool remains in relatively good condition when it's open. If you run your pool filter often all year and have a heavy bather load, the sand may need replacing sooner than three years.

When to replace your sand

A sand filter is a pressure vessel, essentially a tank filled with sand. Water is applied under pressure from the pump and forced through graded sand which removes all but the smallest physical debris before the water is collected clean on the other side of the sand and continues on through your plumbing system and back to your pool. If your pool's backwashing cycles have become shorter, then you should check to see if the sand filter is dirty or greasy. If the filter is dirty or greasy, then don't be surprised if it takes on the appearance of sandy lard. When this happens, the water doesn't flow through the sand filter media. If this is the case we suggest calling us out to have a look!

Sand Filter

Schedule us to take a look at your sand today!

You can reach out to us here with any questions and concerns you have, or set up an appointment.

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